Meet Christine 2024……Maria was recommended to me by a friend. I felt very at ease during our calls. My goal was to lose some weight for a wedding and hopefully carry on to my goal weight after that. I lost 5 kilos within 7 weeks. Maria was following me during those weeks via the MYFitnessPal and would always advise me what to do and what to avoid.
  She is a very professional person. I would recommend Maria without hesitation.
2024 Meet JMAC …..
I must express my profound gratitude to Maria Tait for the remarkable transformation she has facilitated in both my physical and mental well-being. Her guidance has been truly life-changing, and I am forever indebted to her unwavering dedication.
Prior to our collaboration, I found myself in a challenging situation, carrying excess weight that exceeded 100 kilograms. However, Maria’s expertise and unwavering support have been instrumental in helping me shed an impressive 12.5 kilograms, leaving me at a healthy 87.5 kilograms – a remarkable achievement that has prepared me for the upcoming competition.
 I came first in my first ever power lifting competition.
To Maria Tait, I extend my heartfelt appreciation for being an exceptional mentor and friend. Your impact on my life has been profound, and I am forever grateful for your unwavering support and dedication.
Meet Kieran …. 5/24
I want to thank Maria for the consistency she brings to my training, when I started powerlifting I was 111kg I went into Compete at this weight  and came second.
I knew this wasn’t the weight category for me. I called  Maria to help me on my weight loss journey because I’m lactose intollerent and suffer with IBS I was very restricted to what I could eat. I  booked 8 sessions with Maria, she went through all the things I could eat and the timings of when I should eat.
She gave me meal ideas and stuck with me throughout.
We had accountability calls, weigh ins and changes each week.
I did this for two solid months and I dropped weight down to 91.5kg, I still need to lose more though so still with Maria today.
 She is not just a professional she is now a close friend  and a person who really understand when life is getting difficult and the solution to it within the diet.
Highly Recommend her and I have done to my friends.

2024……Meet Brett So, Brett started with me 6/2/24 and this picture was taken on the 16/5/24

The goal was 105kg start with an aim to get  down to 95kg in 23 weeks.

He got to 94.5 in just over 14 weeks.

Maintained strength

Muscle Mass


No more cramps

No more training headaches

Accountability was Key 
As was optimising health 
Weekly check in appointments were key and these were consistent throughout the 14 weeks.
New Goal 91KG incoming……Watch this space

2024.  MEET JASON……


Meet Laurence 2024

“I came to Maria from a sport nutrition point of view. I combine different sports at quite an intense level and am in my 50s, and had found that I was having issues with some nutritional balance in my body. I felt it lacked something that needed addressing to help me with recovery post-exercise and to help me perform well in my most strenuous endeveours. Alongside that, having hit the menopause, I was getting too little sleep and the whole package meant I was experiencing increased fatigue and hot flushes as well as the worst night sweats!
Her diet, user-friendly recipes and supplement recommendations were on point and it didn’t take long (only a few weeks surprisingly) before things started to improve dramatically!
She has a very knowledgable approach to nutrition and is passionate about it, as well as being a dedicated sports person as well and is very personable. I cannot fail to recommend her services enough! “
2024 MEET LEWIS…….
I went to Maria for help with my diet as it was pretty terrible, I was not really eating any veg and I ate alot of junk food, takeaways and processed food, also I drank more coffee than water throughout the day.
I enjoy training and like to look after myself but had always eaten whatever I wanted without a second thought for my nutrition.
This wasn’t ideal and my poor diet was taking a toll on my health. Maria has helped me totally clean up my diet, advised me what I should be eating and why and what supplements are right for me, also I’m now drinking nearly 3 litres of water a day with only 1 or 2 coffees and my health has vastly improved.
Maria also helped me with pre and post workout meals, fueling and hydration throughout a pull-up challenge that took me 12.5 hours, to keep performance and energy high and avoid cramps.
Maria has an extraordinary depth of knowledge about the body, how it works and what it needs and she goes above and beyond to make sure you have all the information you need to help you achieve your goals, whether it be fitness or health related.

A genuine expert in her field. 
2023 Meet Lenka……
When I suffered with Covid Maria was there for me and kept checking on me and giving me health advice, water, food and supplements even though I hadn’t signed up with her as a client.
I was in a bad place physically and mentally. I had a lot of thinking time and decided that I am 40 years old and wanted to get healthy mental and physically.
Weight loss was a side effect of the results. I hated calorie counting before, but with Maria I just got on with it?
I can’t thank Maria enough, I love my life and who I have become, Maria helped shape me. I wake happy now. I understand Nutrition more now and what does and doesn’t agree with me personally.
2023 Meet Lesley …….”I met Maria through a mutual friend, and immediately felt a connection. So, when I reached a plateau with my previous weight loss plan, it was an obvious choice to turn to Maria for some help and guidance.

In my previous plans, I had focussed on what the scales told me, and really was living from Wednesday to Wednesday.
Working with Maria was totally different, and while her plan helped me to achieve my goals, the focus was on good, healthy eating, the weight I would say was secondary if even an issue.
She is an incredible motivator, a mentor and one of the kindest, most caring, people I have ever met.”
Meet Corinne………

I CAME TO SEE MARIA FOR Weight-Loss  and a general health boost. I am grateful for feeling good, this dress has hung patiently in my wardrobe and now I can wear it. All Thanks to strength training and being consistent with my diet and I am glad I found Maria who has helped me with all this. My confidence has soared, weight-loss, muscle gain, strength has  improved.

MEET JANE............

"I cannot speak highly enough of the service and advice provided by Maria. She is extremely knowledgeable and what she tells you makes perfect sense. At our first meeting, she really listened to me and took on board what my goals were and the things I wanted to achieve. Part of that for me was to lose weight but I wanted it to be within a framework of wellbeing and sustainability. She has provided me with a programme that has evolved as my needs have evolved. She is realistic in her outlook on life and what she suggests doesn’t feel like you have entered into a prison regime - it is more about principles and a change of focus that could become a life style change and therefore long term.

I am still on ‘this journey’ and even when obstacles come my way - such is Maria’s warmth and support - I don’t feel bad telling her when things haven’t worked. What I do know is that I feel infinitely more healthy and ‘well’ than when I started and that has made a significant difference in all aspects of my life."

TINA......... "Turning sixty, fit and healthy, exercising regularly, then a sprained ankle! On a visit to my physio, she mentioned whilst training for the London Marathon her diet and stamina were much improved after a visit to a Nutrionist. I consider my diet healthy but I have never explored the nutrition and science behind what I am eating, and could also do with losing half a stone.” Maria Tait Nutritionist”, paying Maria a visit was definitely one of my better decisions. The hour passed so quickly, informative, interesting, I came away inspired and with a sample of a protein coffee biscuit, which I had eaten before I got to the end of the road.

Maria is simply lovely, knowledgeable, professional and most importantly makes you feel comfortable and that anything is possible. Later that day, into my inbox popped a whole week of breakfasts and other recipes. I thought I was eating healthily, but in fact I was eating far to much natural sugar.

The following week lunch recipes arrived, followed by dinners in week three. I really liked the slow gradual change that Maria made to my diet. Hurrah……….I have lost half a stone and I am eating so much more food than I thought possible to lose weight. Maria has taught me the benefits of healthy eating by combining certain foods, spices and even drinking salt water! I feel fantastic, my energy levels have soared, and it’s worth going along for the Pea Soup recipe, its delicious."

SHARON........ I have in actual fact only met Maria online through voice notes and messenger. I was recommended to her through a great friend. I had been on my own path, changing my life for the better and quitting, alcohol, processed foods and sugar and I hit a blip, I was not ready for that mentally and not prepared for it either and it kicked me sideways. I shut down until I plucked up the courage to reach out to Maria and she replied immediately, with one of the Kindest and understanding non judgmental voice notes., which was the best voice note I have ever been left. She is encouraging and supportive and I would never go back to my old life anyway, but Mariainspired me and helped me be myself again and this is priceless. I have bought four cook books and but her protein balls from her. I feel blessed she came into my life at the high time. x