I have some health-based (Obviously) facts for you all!

OK, so the first one is not exactly fun but I guess it’s expected as so many people use them both. 

1/ ATM machines and public toilets are equally dirty.

So WASH your hands after using both;)

2/If you’re an optimist…..

According to a study from Duke University Medical Center, heart patients who were more optimistic about their treatment, actually lived longer than those who were more pessimistic in their mindsets.

3/Smell an apple….

If you are claustrophobic then smelling an apple can help. It also helps with migraines and travel sickness. The smell of a green apple apparently will relieve the stress associated with the ailments mentioned.

4/If you are tired, exercise.

Yes, this one really works. Exercise improves cardiovascular health which means that more blood and oxygen flow around the body. Get out there for a brisk walk or jog when you feel sleepy. (The gains are incredible)

5/Sit ups won’t give you a flat stomach.

Why! I hear you shout, well the exercise mentioned only works your abs, not your core muscles. One study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found, carrying out six weeks of abdominal exercises alone was not enough to reduce abdominal fat. DIET PEOPLE, its all in the diet.

6/Drink hot drinks to cool down.

Errrr counterproductive I hear you say, well have you ever noticed that people in hot countries will always have hot drinks?

According to a study from the University of Ottawa’s School of Human Kinetics, as the drink is hotter than your body temperature, it triggers a sweat response in the body that more than compensates for the increase.

So although it might initially make you feel hotter, a hot drink will cause you to sweat more and therefore the body effectively cools itself quicker. Like magic.

7/If you are not happy within your self you won’t lose weight.

This one is my favourite, I tell people all the time if you are going to beat your self up while eating greens and fresh fish, for example, don’t do it. If you are eating cake then jeez, enjoy it to the max.

Don’t do it all the time or you will never lose weight.(If that’s your goal) My point is to enjoy your life, depression and weight gain have long been linked.

Find out why healthy eating is making you miserable, are you hungry? tired? stressed? Find out the cause and work with it.

Although depression has been conceived as purely a matter of the mind. the links are very real connections

Depression can lead to increased cortisol, circulating levels of inflammatory cytokines (throughout the body and the brain), impaired glucose tolerance, and accumulation of visceral fat.

So the magic number “seven”

If you wish to talk over a one to one plan for yourself to get into shape or just improve your energy, email direct



Have a great day




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