

Tell Me More About Sleep Hygiene! Are you curious about how to improve your sleep quality and wake up feeling rejuvenated?   Well, dive into the world of sleep hygiene and discover how your daily and evening routines can make a big difference in your life! – Daily Habits Matter: Did you know that your …



The Mind and the Belly Connection (Brain -Gut) The mind and belly connection that no one really knows about. An upset intestine can send signals to the brain, just as an upset brain can send signals to the gut. Therefore, a person’s stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause or the product of anxiety, …



Mid-Week Misery is not for you super hero women out there!   How many of you feel the crash setting in around this magical marker in the week, we have all been there:( Wednesday seems to be the day that the cravings set in, the fatigue starts, or the “Healthier You” plan goes to pot. Well, …


Fuelling your four hats

Fuelling your four hats. When I talk about hats, I mean the different hats we all wear on a daily basis, let me explain… I personally have four hats, some people may have more, some have less and the best part is everyone is different. We are all the same person under these hats, but …

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Protein bread anyone?

Would you eat this bread? Well, it is high protein bread, 40% more than normal wheat flour. If you were looking for bread and one said  “High Protein Bread” would you question the protein source? would you just trust in the advertising? This bread sounds good if you are looking for that bread fix but …

Protein bread anyone?Read More »

Healthy Hair Diet

Yes, there really is a way to make your hair healthy and thrive, just include the below foods each week  and make sure you take the very best vitamin supplements on the market today. I recommend Cellsentials, they have just the right amount of Biotin that is essential for healthy hair, strong nails and …

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Is anything more important?

What is more important than your health? Is there anything more important? Well, I believe your health should always be your “Number One” priority. In my  opinion nothing is more important than that. The necessity of taking time out for yourself is part of that number one priority just mentioned. If you are not rejuvenated, …

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Whats your “Go to” shake?

My “Go to” shake I recommend shakes as they are fast and simple and you can pack in the nutrients. I always have in my kitchen the following ingredients… Protein Powder /Nut butter/Cinnamon/Bananas and almond/oat or dairy free milk/Flax oil/Spinach/mixed greens powder I make sure I have the above for the five reasons stated below….. …

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