One of my fears is getting sick.
An understandable fear now with everything that is happening right?
What do you do?
So, I personally make sure I do all that I can to remain healthy, I exercise daily, whatever that maybe I do it every day. I eat as healthy as possible most of the time.
(Weakness for chocolate doesn’t help)
I minimise stress where I can control it.
I can’t always predict my kids ability to make me hit the 10 on a 0-10 scale in three seconds flat, they are super talented at that 😉
I supplement daily and hydrate no matter what, But, sometimes I may have one (or two) too many drinks and eat food that is not only bad for me, but will make me feel sluggish the next day.
It is called being HUMAN!
We all feel that occasionally we just want to eat pizza or whatever, have a few drinks and smash large bags of crisps while binge watching Netflix.
It is “OK” to do that.
As long as it’s not an ongoing daily habit that becomes detrimental to our health, then why not occasionally jump off the health wagon and move to the dark side for a bit.
I make sure the next day I exercise and fast through breakfast until early lunch and hydrate all through the day, adding in a coconut water and some healthy fats.
That is how I recover and minimise the damage.
The difference is ….. I do not do that every night, I live the 75/25 lifestyle which allows me to have a break, but still remain in good health.
Try being “HEALTHY” on night out at the local restaurant and pub.
The key is…..
Make the bigger part of your lifestyle the healthiest.
Find an exercise that you enjoy, dancing, Ariel work, strength, cardio, yoga, hiking or all of them. I love trying anything and everything.
The key is to have fun The same with food, don’t dread lunch or dinner because it’s boring and flavourless. Find inspiration and balance. (Get my book;)
“The only F words you need in the kitchen” Available @
Paperback or ebook❤️❤️
As you were you lovely lot.