Ever feel like you are chasing your tail!

Chasing your tail is a favourite of mine, in terms of expressions, not because I enjoy chasing…….(Never mind )


Meaning….. To be busy doing a lot of things but achieving very little.

Have you ever experienced the chasing your tail feeling? You have been busy at work all day but actually achieved very little. Is it the same for your diet?

Have you eaten well all week and when I mean well I mean healthily, (not well in terms of “I finished the entire pizza) then when you get on the scales or try on the clothes you are waiting to fit into again, nothing has changed?


Time to change your routine! I see so many people who are STUCK! they are eating plain salads all day every day and going to the gym but miserable while doing it.

Missing valuable macro and micro nutrients.

Did you know that poor food choice are increased when you are sad, stressed or generally feeling low?


You actually need to be enjoying the changes you are making to your health and body to actually reap the benefits you so deserve.


Number one is changing that mindset, I work with clients on mindset before taking on a different way of living.

Questions to ask yourself?

Why are you changing the way you eat/sleep/exercise?

Is it for you or are you trying to fit into an expectation of you?

What do you expect the outcome to be?

Are you challenging yourself or settling?

What do you think will change when you lose weight/put on weight/tone up/slim down?

Do this for yourself only. No one else knows what it takes to get there but you.

All of these questions are relevant.


Someone can be eating the correct foods and hydrating and exercise but if they are miserable, and their mindset is negative they will not reach those goals set.


Ok so here goes…….

Mindset is a simple idea discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck in decades of research on achievement and success—a simple idea that makes all the difference.


This is when people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits.  They also believe that talent alone creates success—without effort. That’s not correct.

Growth Mindset

This is when people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates success and happiness.

To teach yourself to change from a fixed to a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports and healthy living. It enhances relationships. When you read Mindset, you’ll see how.

It enhances relationships, work or personal. It enhances your well-being and you radiate positivity so much so that people are drawn to you. You create a healthier life for yourself.

I always remember this quote when I feel the negativity sets in………

“If you wrote in permanent ink all over your body, all the mean or just negative things you have said today, about yourself and others, would you still be the beautiful person people believe you are”?

Email me direct for help with achieving goals and we can see if you are are the right fit for this program.


For a personalised healthy living program that addresses mindset as well as healthier eating and yummy recipes and delicious juices to make, for you and your family and friends.

Have a great week

Maria x








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