What really happens when you sleep?

Ever wondered what happens when you sleep?

I am not talking about when all the toys and teddies come to life……… OOPS…. ok so that was my little secret, I am talking about what happens to your body when you sleep.

When you first drift off, you only experience very light sleep, then it progresses deeper and deeper into the well-known “dream land”.

It is a common misconception to think the brain is processing the information we gained during the day. It actually filters out the information we don’t need. which may be one of the reasons we dream.

The theory is that, may be connections between brain cells are strengthened or weakened during our time of sleep, this all depends on how much we used our brain cells during the day. The important stuff gets reinforced while the factoids we just don’t need get trashed. Clever eh?

The intestines quieten down at night, and the liver goes from trying to detoxify during the time you are awake, to trying to build and synthesize when you’re asleep. There’s also less adrenaline pumping through your veins since you won’t be needing the fight-or-flight response between the sheets.  (That’s the hope;)

A process called “nocturnal dipping” occurs. This term is used when your blood pressure lowers. In a healthy person, it can drop up to 7 points after a good nights sleep.


While we sleep, our core temperature drops a little bit, so cooling off before going to bed can actually help you nod off.


If you were awake and it was cool you would shiver. While in sleep mode though, the body loses its capacity for thermoregulation.

So sleep is super important and quality sleep is the key.

7-9 hours for adults.



We pump out growth hormones. We are always growing and building muscle cells either after a tough workout or just healing from an injury. Our bodies do not stop working for us.


What about when you do not have enough?

When you are lacking in quality sleep then fatigue sets in, fatigue compromises your brain’s ability to regulate emotions, making you more prone to being snappy, anxious and experiencing unwarranted emotional outbursts.

Recent research also shows that when you haven’t slept well, you’re more likely to overreact to neutral events. you may feel provoked when no provocation actually exists, and you may lose your ability to sort out the unimportant from the important, which can result in bias and poor judgment.

Over all not great for relationships in general, either work, family or friends.

Most importantly yourself.

Email me for more information on getting a good nights sleep.


Have a great Monday



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