Busy Lifestyles

Nobody likes the “C” word

Nobody likes the “C” word The “c” word is the one word that has us all in emotional turmoil. The one word that no-one wants to hear, speak of or suffer with or see someone suffer with. The word that can bring us to our knees in desperation and sometimes it even pushes people to …

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“Baby it’s cold outside”   Originally sung by Frank Loesser in New York in 1944. Loesser and his wife first performed the song at the Navarro Hotel for a housewarming party, and the pair performed the song exclusively until 1948. I actually thought Bing Crosby and Doris day sang this? Anyhooo that is not what this post about. The …


Does bread make you feel bloated?

I hear this complaint on a daily basis, bread being the main culprit for bloating and the general feeling of low energy and feeling sluggish after eating it. Do you have any of the below symptoms from consuming bread? 1. Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhoea and even constipation.  2. Chicken like skin on the back of …

Does bread make you feel bloated?Read More »

Size matters!

Size matters! Of course size matters, a small latte does nothing for me. How many of you wake up and want a coffee? How many of you want a decent size coffee? ME! Yes, I have a coffee “almost” first thing when I wake up and I use any of the following three ingredients in …

Size matters!Read More »

Wine improves gym performance

Wine improves gym performance Who saw that headline? Now before you reach for the wine and put it into your water bottle, hang on. The ingredient in wine known as resveratrol, can actually help improve physical performance. Everyone knows resveratrol means wine right? NO! The ingredient can also be found in nuts and of course grapes, …

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