
Super Strength

Who wants super strength?   Ever feel like you’re missing something? Like you’re not quite reaching your full potential?  Well, I’m here to tell you a little secret: you might just be missing a few key nutrients! Just like superheroes have incredible powers – flight, super strength, invisibility – your body has its own set …

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Scared of getting sick:(

One of my fears is getting sick.   An understandable fear now with everything that is happening right?  What do you do? So, I personally make sure I do all that I can to remain healthy, I exercise daily, whatever that maybe I do it every day. I eat as healthy as possible most of …

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12 Easy days of fitmas

On the first day of Christmas  Try your turkey/meat with low salt organic gravy Walk 8000 steps that day after dinner or before. On the second day of Christmas  2 fillets of oily fish walk 9000 steps and fast until lunchtime On the third day of Christmas  3 portions of fruit (with protein to lower …

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Fuelling your four hats

Fuelling your four hats. When I talk about hats, I mean the different hats we all wear on a daily basis, let me explain… I personally have four hats, some people may have more, some have less and the best part is everyone is different. We are all the same person under these hats, but …

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kids that have wings!

I get called the fun police daily in my house for making decisions for the children, sometimes it seems harsh but they will thank me in the future. (I HOPE) Here is why… UK children consume energy drinks at a higher rate than kids in any other country in Europe- – with a fifth of …

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