

PCOS   Unlocking Your Inner Glow: Navigating PCOS with Simple Steps   Hey there! Today, we’re talking about something that affects millions of women worldwide: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). If you’re dealing with irregular periods, unwanted hair growth, acne breakouts, and maybe even some weight gain, you might be wondering what’s going on. What exactly …

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They call me the “bad guy”

They call me the “bad guy”   We’ve all heard the whispers: “High cholesterol? You’ll need statins!” But what if I told you there’s a sneaky superhero within you, ready to conquer those cholesterol numbers without resorting to pills? That’s right, I’m talking about the power of diet and lifestyle, but above all BALANCE!  We …

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Super Strength

Who wants super strength?   Ever feel like you’re missing something? Like you’re not quite reaching your full potential?  Well, I’m here to tell you a little secret: you might just be missing a few key nutrients! Just like superheroes have incredible powers – flight, super strength, invisibility – your body has its own set …

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lifting weights

Protein and Muscle

Protein: Your Body’s Building Block, Supercharged! 🚀 Protein is the ultimate muscle-builder! It fuels muscle growth, repair, and strength. When you lift weights or engage in other forms of resistance training, your muscles break down. Protein provides the amino acids needed to rebuild and strengthen those muscles, leading to increased muscle mass and improved performance. …

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The Mind and the Belly Connection (Brain -Gut) The mind and belly connection that no one really knows about. An upset intestine can send signals to the brain, just as an upset brain can send signals to the gut. Therefore, a person’s stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause or the product of anxiety, …



Mid-Week Misery is not for you super hero women out there!   How many of you feel the crash setting in around this magical marker in the week, we have all been there:( Wednesday seems to be the day that the cravings set in, the fatigue starts, or the “Healthier You” plan goes to pot. Well, …



Glow up Appearance, no-one warned you that you have to not only perform at your best, look good, stay healthy, balanced and above all happy, but with no excuses not to glow up! OK, so that may be exaggerated, but it’s a huge pressure to look and feel your best and be heard in the …

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Sleep your way to maximum health

Sleep to better health Can this even be done? Ok, well, yes you can improve your health by addressing your sleep. Fighting the wake ups through the night, family, stress, or just the all loving hormone rollercoaster we start at puberty and never seem to get off until 80! Yep we produce hormones until that …

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Hormone Havoc

HORMONE HAVOC?   We are that lucky, we get to ride this rollercoaster most of our lives, you may think that it sounds like anything but luck. It can be challenging for most women, but I have some tips you may not know of that are easily habitual and can help, if  not you, then  maybe …

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