Mid-Week Misery is not for you super hero women out there!


How many of you feel the crash setting in around this magical marker in the week, we have all been there:(

Wednesday seems to be the day that the cravings set in, the fatigue starts, or the “Healthier You” plan goes to pot. Well, there are many reasons behind this. Take some time to go through the following. …


Lack of sleep building up to mid week when your body is pushed to the limits, mental and physical fatigue are setting in. What you can do is try to aim for an earlier bed time routine.

If that is not possible because of your work-family life, aim to scroll less through media and maybe set a cut off time 1 hour before bedtime.No electronics 1 hour before bed.

Introduce blue light glasses to protect you. Some studies suggest that blue-light-blocking glasses may increase melatonin production during the evening, leading to major improvements in sleep and mood.

You can also have a look at some more tips on our sleep sheet giveaway. …https://mariataitnutrition.com/sleep-to-better-health/


We all know that clean fluids such as water and herbal teas are great for our mental and physical health, But did you know that also it has these benefits. …

  • Improved brain performance. Even mild dehydration—as little as 2% fluid loss—can affect memory, mood, concentration, and reaction time. …
  • Digestive harmony. …
  • More energy. …
  • Weight loss/management. …
  • Decreased joint pain. …
  • Better temperature regulation. …
  • Kidney stone prevention. …
  • Healthier heart.

SO, drink up Ladies, you have a world to run.

Ok, diet plays a huge part also, but it is not a one size fits all fix. Individuality is key here. So, check the above first, make sure you are getting enough fresh air daily. This is vital, fresh air is natural and up lifting. This is one of the major perks of getting outside and breathing fresh air, as it lets your body naturally raise to the energy level it needs to perform throughout the day while also gently relaxing the body at the end of the day to wind down. By breathing fresh air, you’ll facilitate a feeling of happiness, proper lung function, boost the immune system all at once.


So if you feel after all this you still feel lethargic mid week, let’s talk. Energy foods work well, they need to be consistent but they work. Simple diet tweaks work. Exercise works.


Hand on heart, if you can get the basics down, then you are doing better than most.


“You’ve got this”




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