Maria Tait

Maria is a qualified Nutritionist based in Hertford. Her passion and involvement in nutrition started a number of years ago in response to a kidney condition, which rendered her reliant upon GP-prescribed antibiotics and constant hospital visits. By taking proactive control of her nutritional program, she achieved complete recovery. She coupled this with quality health supplements regained control of her life.

kids that have wings!

I get called the fun police daily in my house for making decisions for the children, sometimes it seems harsh but they will thank me in the future. (I HOPE) Here is why… UK children consume energy drinks at a higher rate than kids in any other country in Europe- – with a fifth of …

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Am I suffering malnourishment?

Am I malnourished, what are the consequences of malnourishment? How could I tell if I was suffering from it?   Can it be possible for a nation that has every type of food thinkable at their fingertips at any given time suffer from malnourishment? A world we are now living in with everything at a faster …

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Protein bread anyone?

Would you eat this bread? Well, it is high protein bread, 40% more than normal wheat flour. If you were looking for bread and one said  “High Protein Bread” would you question the protein source? would you just trust in the advertising? This bread sounds good if you are looking for that bread fix but …

Protein bread anyone?Read More »

Healthy Hair Diet

Yes, there really is a way to make your hair healthy and thrive, just include the below foods each week  and make sure you take the very best vitamin supplements on the market today. I recommend Cellsentials, they have just the right amount of Biotin that is essential for healthy hair, strong nails and …

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Is anything more important?

What is more important than your health? Is there anything more important? Well, I believe your health should always be your “Number One” priority. In my  opinion nothing is more important than that. The necessity of taking time out for yourself is part of that number one priority just mentioned. If you are not rejuvenated, …

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Is your dinner making you happy?

Who doesn’t want food that makes them happy? We all love to be happy right? Is the food you choose fulfilling that job? I have seen many people searching for that magic feeling of “Happiness” through food alone. We attach so much pressure to eating, we try to be healthy and happy but sometimes choose …

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Whats your “Go to” shake?

My “Go to” shake I recommend shakes as they are fast and simple and you can pack in the nutrients. I always have in my kitchen the following ingredients… Protein Powder /Nut butter/Cinnamon/Bananas and almond/oat or dairy free milk/Flax oil/Spinach/mixed greens powder I make sure I have the above for the five reasons stated below….. …

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