They call me the “bad guy”

They call me the “bad guy”   We’ve all heard the whispers: “High cholesterol? You’ll need statins!” But what if I told you there’s a sneaky superhero within you, ready to conquer those cholesterol numbers without resorting to pills? That’s right, I’m talking about the power of diet and lifestyle, but above all BALANCE!  We …

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Super Strength

Who wants super strength?   Ever feel like you’re missing something? Like you’re not quite reaching your full potential?  Well, I’m here to tell you a little secret: you might just be missing a few key nutrients! Just like superheroes have incredible powers – flight, super strength, invisibility – your body has its own set …

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Festive fun

Welcome December 2024 Festive Fun !   Happy Holidays, Health Warriors! The festive season is upon us, a time of joy, cheer, and…indulgence. We all know the drill: delicious treats, cozy nights in, and a few too many glasses of bubbly. While it’s important to enjoy the festivities, it’s equally important to take care of …

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The Mind and the Belly Connection (Brain -Gut) The mind and belly connection that no one really knows about. An upset intestine can send signals to the brain, just as an upset brain can send signals to the gut. Therefore, a person’s stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause or the product of anxiety, …



Mid-Week Misery is not for you super hero women out there!   How many of you feel the crash setting in around this magical marker in the week, we have all been there:( Wednesday seems to be the day that the cravings set in, the fatigue starts, or the “Healthier You” plan goes to pot. Well, …


Fuelling your four hats

Fuelling your four hats. When I talk about hats, I mean the different hats we all wear on a daily basis, let me explain… I personally have four hats, some people may have more, some have less and the best part is everyone is different. We are all the same person under these hats, but …

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Do we need to supplement?

Do we need to supplement?  We are at article three of our “Directly from the experts” articles. We have six in total to give you, the reason for these articles is so you have facts and advice directly from the experts. They give you information on how to make informed health choices and give you …

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Directly from the experts

Directly from the experts We are now running article two of “Directly from the experts” This article is all about having a positive mindset. What is a mindset? The dictionary version.. The established set of attitudes held by someone. What is positive thinking? Google says.. Positive thinking is a mental attitude in which you expect good and …

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Directly from the expert

Directly from the expert   This is a series of posts that will now be available to give you, the customers, expert advice and knowledge you may need to make informed decisions with the correct facts regarding your general health. I know how much information is on the web and how confusing something as simple …

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