Do we need to supplement?

Do we need to supplement? 

We are at article three of our “Directly from the experts” articles. We have six in total to give you, the reason for these articles is so you have facts and advice directly from the experts.

They give you information on how to make informed health choices and give you the right advice.

The web although amazing and informative can be confusing and scary.

Who do you trust?

What do you look for in terms of supplements?

Will they work?

Does quality match the price?

Can you take too much?

Are they approved?

Who approves them?

Do my children need supplements?


Ok, so, I have a great article for you that will give you plenty of information that you can then take away and make up your own mind.

The first article that we published gained huge support, if you missed it, it is on my website under blogs!

The importance of physiotherapy and sports massages and that timed well with all the new gym memberships this January.

The second article on “Mindset” was also well received and still is, you can catch up on that also on my website under blogs!

David Griffiths is a biologist and has a passion for disease prevention.

He gives you a detailed article on supplementation, in this article you can sense his passion on trying to make a difference in the world by educating the masses.

David Griffiths

I wish I didn’t feel the need to write this article.

At heart, I’m a back-to-nature, live-off-the-land kind of guy who loves the feeling of living in harmony with the beautiful planet that we have inherited. The idea that our diet doesn’t provide all that it needs to for good health in the 21st century is something that I struggle with, but being around the health and fitness industry for 20 years has led me to certain inescapable conclusions which I’ll explore here.

You obviously don’t have to reach the same conclusions as I have but I believe that unless we are specifically educated in this area we are at the mercy of newspaper headlines and to some extent the interests of big business to look after our health. I’m afraid it is undoubtedly true that the person who cares most about your health is you; not the media nor giant corporations. It is our personal responsibility to take a proactive approach to our health and not to assume that all is well, and if and when it goes wrong there will be a magic pill to fix it. 

If you look at my health pyramid below, you’ll see how in almost all of the areas shown, we have dramatically changed how we live, sleep, eat, exercise and interact…. and this change has happened in a minuscule snapshot of our human evolution. Some of the things a few decades ago we were talking about as progress, we are beginning to think of as short-sighted at best and hugely destructive at worst.

In our time-starved society the blue light from our devices blunts the release of melatonin and disrupts our sleep cycles; we often have precious little ‘me time’; many of us don’t make time for exercise; we engage in questionable ways of rearing farm animals and growing crops; and the proportion of food choices that we could have picked, grown and generally found in nature is diminishing.

Most of these changes have happened in the last 100 years of our 2-million-year evolution as humans.page1image64068304

So, we are told we are living longer. This is pretty much a myth based on AVERAGE (i.e. mean) life expectancy. In biblical times the average life expectancy was around 30 but if you take one person who lives to 80 and a mother who dies in childbirth, you end up with a mean life expectancy of 100 divided by the 3 lives i.e. 33 years.

But people were living to 80 or older back then just as we are now; our AVERAGE life expectancies now are largely a reflection of factors like improvements in sanitation and the management of infectious disease.

The late 20th and 21st centuries are marked out in disease terms by a dramatic and sudden rise in what we term chronic degenerative disease. Our disease profiles are nothing like they were even 100 years ago.

Chronic degenerative disease is exactly what it says: it is a degenerative process that takes place usually over decades in an asymptomatic form until it manifests itself to an extent where it compromises our function or suddenly kills us.

It manifests as heart disease, dementia, various cancers, type 2 diabetes, arthritis and a whole host of debilitating conditions.

While we may have a genetic predisposition to a condition, eminent epidemiologists like Walter Willett at Harvard have shown that these are very largely diseases of lifestyle and nutrition, not genetics.

The relatively new science of epigenetics is showing even more clearly how it’s largely not the genes we are born with but which genes we turn on and express which determine our fate. As the phrase has it, genetics loads the gun and lifestyle pulls the trigger.

So where does the controversial subject of supplements fit into this?


To read the full article please click below…

Why supps article – David-3


David is giving a not to be missed talk that can be viewed via live facebook feed,

30/1/19 @7pm “Why supplements”

Please email him directly for any more information.

Have a great week








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