
kids that have wings!

I get called the fun police daily in my house for making decisions for the children, sometimes it seems harsh but they will thank me in the future. (I HOPE) Here is why… UK children consume energy drinks at a higher rate than kids in any other country in Europe- – with a fifth of …

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Is anything more important?

What is more important than your health? Is there anything more important? Well, I believe your health should always be your “Number One” priority. In my  opinion nothing is more important than that. The necessity of taking time out for yourself is part of that number one priority just mentioned. If you are not rejuvenated, …

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Healthy Coffee Biscuits

Healthy Coffee Biscuits Is that even a thing? Well, I had a client who sent me a food diary and it included a coffee infused muesli for his breakfast. I was intrigued as I love both. I wondered how I could combine my love of coffee with something sweet but healthy. Anyone who reads my …

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