Whats your “Go to” shake?

My “Go to” shake

I recommend shakes as they are fast and simple and you can pack in the nutrients. I always have in my kitchen the following ingredients…

Protein Powder /Nut butter/Cinnamon/Bananas and almond/oat or dairy free milk/Flax oil/Spinach/mixed greens powder

I make sure I have the above for the five reasons stated below…..

1/Stops me snacking on junk food (Yes, even I can finish a entire packet of hob knobs if I am hangry)

2/keeps me full for longer periods of time

3/I gain more in nutrients as I can pack in more ingredients if blending, rather than cooking

4/I get the convenience of making something nutritional and tasty fast (A must if you are a mum or/and a busy person in general)

5/My energy levels soar when I am balanced and happy (also a must, if you need to be on the go all day)


Before my work day starts💕

Roughly 220-225 calories for this shake

Less (15) if you skip the coconut sugar:)

1tsp spirulina/chlorella mix
2 scoops protein powder
300 ml almond milk
100ml water (if you want it thick then leave the water)
1 banana
Whizz together 🙂 Sprinkle with cinnamon and coconut sugar mix on the top:)💕
#Fast #healthyeating #easy #tasty
#greens #vitamins #proteinshake #protein#spirulina #chlorella #nomorecravings
The protein here is 22 grams 🙂

It really is that simple. I make this for the children and they take it if they are training after school at a club and then they have a normal dinner. It gives them more energy. I use the above amounts and divide for three children. 

It also stops them craving sweet foods, it is totally normal to crave sweet foods when you are tired. A shake is discipline and it really does satisfy.

Try it

Email me direct for more shake ideas.





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