My tips for staying healthy.

Do you need any tips for your health?

Not another post giving health tips:(

Not another “ADVICE POST” 

What do we all know anyway about peoples lives behind closed doors?

Or maybe a number of health tips and posts out there on health are really onto something?

Maybe the state of our nation’s health needs addressing?

Some of us know what we are doing wrong, and how to correct it. (roughly) It never hurts to go over these points again though, right?

Let’s start at the beginning of the day.

1/Wake up

When you wake up, drink a small glass of water. Add lemon to optimise the effects of detoxing, but in general, just wake up and hydrate the brain.

2/Stretch before you get out of bed.

Who doesn’t like to stretch their limbs when they wake? I am not talking about a 40minute yoga routine, just a little respect to your body. A few minutes maybe?

Stretch your hands above your head and point your toes. Bring your knees to your chest and rock left to right. This just takes a minute and if you do this, you will be releasing fluid that tends to pool along your back when you sleep.

Stretching helps to massage fluid gently back into its normal position.


Be grateful for what you have and really feel the gratitude. I promise this will put you in a happy state and that makes the rest of the morning that much easier.

Write 3 things you are grateful for.

That’s it!


Yes too many of us actually take our bodies for granted, and when you pause, then just breathe a few seconds, it helps relax the body and the mind.

Shallow, upper chest breathing is part of the typical stress response. This stress response can be reduced by consciously breathing, using the diaphragm.

Abdominal breathing helps to control the nervous system and encourages the body to relax, bringing about a range of health benefits.


When you break the fast/brunch make it a good source of fat and protein. Eggs and avocado or salmon and spinach on sourdough toast, Or try my favourite Unicorn Salad. The Beetroot hummus is amazing. Email for the recipe.

Now you have eaten and the morning has gone smoothly 😉 try to do that at least three times a week. Your body and mind will thank you.

I can almost hear people saying

“Yes ok that is not possible, and if I had time in the morning, then maybe I could do that but I don’t”

My answer is…..

If you do not have time to just do the above then you really are not living, just existing, the difference is huge. I used to rush around and eat on the tube into work, then drink coffee for the first few hours of being awake. It’s going to catch you in the end.


Get there first and turn your health around!

Email me, see if I can help by devising a bespoke plan that gets you back on track to truly living in the now.


Have a great day




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