Would you eat a rainbow?

I am not asking you to eat a rainbow;)eat a rainbow

OK I am……

Here is how!

Try my unicorn lunch and rainbow dips?

rainbow lunch

Simple to make and delicious in taste? What other reason do you need?


Lets start with the lunch, why is it so important to have lots of colours on your plate? The rainbow eating programme is not a new fad.

Different coloured foods play different roles in the body.

So by choosing a variety of colour  in the diet, preferably at each meal, we can all be sure of enjoying a rich and varied spectrum of nutrients.

For example……


Apart from them looking fresh, vibrant and cleansing they are packed full of crucial nutrients for health and energy production.

The leafy greens contain many b vitamins, folic acid, minerals and fibre. They are alkalising which helps with the acidity that is a common problem in the western diet. Inflammation in our bodies is the underpin of most states of diseases.

Oranges and yellows

When orange or yellow foods come into view I think heart, protection, and immunity. Vitamin C is certainly visible with yellow and orange foods. Rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants.

These foods not only help boost our immune systems which is so needed in winter when colds and flu are travelling at speed to find a host, they also contain beta-carotene, or pro-vitamin A that is stored in the liver, and later converted to Vitamin A.

Vitamin A is essential for healthy eyes and vision.

Now just because some foods are colour less does not mean we should cast them aside.

Colourless pigments are found in foods such as cabbages, mushrooms, and onions. Most of the pigments we find in these, plus some other colourless foods are collectively called flavonoids. Flavonoids are powerful food chemicals, and counteract the free-radical formation, and resultant damage to the body’s cells.

So the key is to include a variety of foods and take that rainbow to your plate.

So what else do you need……



Email me direct or message this post for the recipes and I will forward them free to you.


Have a great day






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