What is a SAHM?

What is a SAHM and a SAHD?

Well, they stand for “stay at home mum/dad”, that means different things to different people.

One thing it doesn’t mean “LOFT” loads of free time.

A new American study has found that the average SAHM/D works an astonishing 98 hours per week – over twice the average working week of 39 hours.

Researchers examined the schedules of 2000 working mums, with children aged five to 12. They found that the average work day of a mum starts at 6.23am and ends at 8.31pm.

A SAHM/D does the equivalent of 2.5 jobs. 

This isn’t a bashing at working mums/dads at all, I know from friends and my own personal experience that we are all doing our best. This advice is for working mums/dads too.

I work only the hours that the children are at school, this is because, with three children and the energy that goes with that number, phone calls or meetings outside of that time is interrupted, and peace would be a rarity.

I have seen mums/dads that work around the children and their clubs, activities, social lives and so on. It is a juggling act like no other.

My point of this post?

Mums and dads forget to take care of themselves as a result, their own health suffers. I am seeing this so much.

If you do not look after yourself and make your self-happy first and foremost then you are not going to be able to do what you need to do in life. Parents are the foundation of the family and they need to stay healthy and strong.

No time to visit the doctors because you have to look after the children.

Does any of the following points sound familiar?

1/Feel run down but can’t get to a doctor or see a nutritionist as I have no child care, and if I do, I want to catch up on house chores or work or sleep.

2/Can’t eat properly as I never have time?

3/Make bad food choices for myself, but give my child the best?

4/Limit the sugar for my child, but stack up on it for myself for energy?

5/Can’t get to exercise as I just don’t have the energy or time?

6/Can’t sleep for thinking of what needs to be done the next day.

7/FREE TIME is not a benefit gained when at home.

I have something that may help?

It’s not a miracle cure or a magic cleaning fairy, sorry, but it is a way to gain more energy.


I know when I had children simple things in life became the most difficult, for example…….

1/Going for a shower on your own.

2/Going to the toilet on your own.

3/You can never lock the door again because the last time you did that, the children screamed through the door “WHY ARE YOU LOCKING THE DOOR” and for some reason cried uncontrollably.

4/Talking on the telephone is the one time everyone wants something.

5/Privacy is no more, and even the local coffee shop know what you ea,t and what colour underwear you have on, thanks to the children telling all.

6/Shouting becomes normal volume.

7/You are both the best mum in the world and the worst in 2 minutes.

8/You have hand prints all over the walls all the time.

9/You know every soft play and farm in a 40-mile radius

10/The washing machine is on permanently.

Now all these are not negative points, they are just the way things are now. New challenges.

Let’s get to the plan!

It’s called baby steps (Very apt I thought)

Email me for a copy of the plan it’s free and easy to follow if you want to make changes. This plan is for people wanting to make their lives better and healthier.



Have a great day

Maria x







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