If looks could kill!

If looks could kill!

Read on to find out how my children have perfected “THE LOOK”

I have written a blog before about facing your fears, but this is a little different.

What did you get up to this weekend?

For me, making memories with the family is the most important part of my weekend. This weekend we planned to head to North Wales and climb mount, Snowdon.



This is not a normal weekend I have to add. (Usually, we are surfing or abseiling)


Snowdonia itself is beautiful and the mountains and green fields were amazing. I got to a point I didn’t think I could see any more natural beauty but it just kept on coming.

Four rainbows in one weekend says it all for me really:)

We started our climb and we took the Llanberis path, which is the longest path. Nine miles total climb, at a gradient, so not the most difficult but challenging none the less.

I say challenging, it was pretty scary climbing to the summit. The weather turns fast, and when the cold kicks in,  wow! then hail and the winds start and this is while walking what felt like a vertical climb at this point.

Add in three young children and a dog. 

We made it!

The train down was booked out so we then had to descend back down, I won’t tell you what happened with all three children at this point. Also, no dogs allowed on the trains so we had little choice but to descend.

If looks could kill at the train ticket man though.

We all fought against every emotion we had, the fear of going back down and knowing what was to come was pushing us all to the limit of our comfort zone.

My comfort zone now is extended so much by the way, and after telling the children “after this you can do anything” and them saying “after this I don’t want to do anything” we all came out stronger.

What is fear?

Why does it control us so much?

Fear of putting on weight or losing weight.

Fear of the first day at work/school?

Fear of heights, spiders, losing or winning sometimes. Yes, they are all fears and even a fear of being scared.

Anything can cause fear, so how do we learn from it, and turn it to our advantage?

“Fear is a universal survival mechanism,”

Fear is essential to human survival. It lets us know when we’re in danger, and it can encourage us to take steps to protect ourselves or even to ask for help. For our ancestors, fearing isolation, starvation, darkness, and snakes all served important evolutionary functions.

What ever your fear is, it is a real emotion, facing your fears is not always possible but overcoming fear is.

What do I mean?

OK to start, fear is not who you are, so letting go of that is number one.

Getting through it is a skill that anyone can learn, I can vouch for that personally.

The problem is that most people cling to their fears because it’s part of who they are.

If you aren’t ready to face your fears, you probably won’t transcend them.

Please know there is nothing wrong in that. Everything happens in its own time.

If you are ready to start on a journey to improve your health and enjoy the freedom it gives you as a result to live the life you so deserve, email me…..



Have a great fearless day (I know) 









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