Why are we the only species that under produce?

Why are we the only species that produce less than we are capable of?


Ok so, why do other species produce as much as they can, but we humans under produce? Bulls, for example, reproduce all they can.

Bees produce all the honey they possibly can.

Squirrels collect as many nuts as they can.

Trees grow as tall as they can.


We, humans, have been given the gift of life, why do we not all make the most of it?

I am talking about not taking your health seriously. If you are unwell, through bad diet and lack of exercise, then now is your time to make that change.

It is never too late to start.

What about small changes, but the kind that makes huge differences in your life.

Would that be better, baby steps but effective steps?

Ok, so some of you will contact me for more information on this and start taking baby steps to improve your health, this, by the way, will have a positive impact on many other areas in your life.


What I am aiming to do is change peoples lives for the better, Help you make better food choices and enjoy making them.

Good healthy food doesn’t have to be a chore.

Would you like to Feel energized and happy in your body?

It only takes baby steps.

What is holding you back from contacting me today?


Do you know that people are run by this word FEAR!

This is what the definition of fear is…

“An unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.”

It is an emotion that is stopping you from achieving like the honey bee and squirrel achieve.

Now is the time to take action, don’t let your start date be after a wedding or engagement?

A party or holiday? I have heard so many people say “I will start this regime after ……………

It’s a way of life so why wait? There is never a good or bad time, all there is is a lack of time…..

I can help you make adjustments that take your current diary dates into account. I will support you through the program.

Life is for the living and making every second count.

It is not a chore or a boring life, but an unhealthy medicated life with unknown side effects is.

With some coaching, to start and a few meal plans, recipe ideas and some advice on exercise, you can have all the amazing results you would expect from as much effort as you put in.

Always be a

“Yes I will give it ago, person”


Contact me now for 50 % discount if you start the plan before the end of August!


Just send an email or comment on the post and I will contact you:)

Take charge today!

Have a great weekend








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