Busy Lifestyles

Spice it up!

Spice it up! Winter spices to keep those nasty bugs away. All you need to do is add them to your daily routine. Sound easy? It is, look at the list below. My top Four to always add to your week. 1/cinnamon Add a chunk of cinnamon bark to your usual cup of tea. Cook your …

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Love or Loath?

LOVE or LOATH? Fast approaching the month of magic. What does December mean to you? This is the question I put out to ten people recently, the response was the following…… Financial problems Pressure Stress Over eating Over drinking Weight Gain Depression  Feeling Lonely WOW!!!!!! I had no idea so many people disliked the month …

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Reflux is awful for the parents and babies. It is an extremely distressing time. I have a couple of remedies which have been succesful for clients that have seen me for this issue. (Also from a personal note) I have twins and they had awful reflux. I do post from experience on this particular post. …



I am talking about the nails on your fingertips, not these nails….. Ok, so what do your nails say about you, in terms of your health? Did you know that a person’s nails show’s a lot about what is going inside in terms of nutrition? Let’s take a look at some of the issues that …



I have some health-based (Obviously) facts for you all! OK, so the first one is not exactly fun but I guess it’s expected as so many people use them both.  1/ ATM machines and public toilets are equally dirty. So WASH your hands after using both;) 2/If you’re an optimist….. According to a study from Duke …

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What is lost from sweat?

What are you losing in your sweat? We exercise to stay fit and healthy, and because we know it is the only way to achieve the body shape we want. I use exercising as an example but sweating even just on a dog walk or brisk walk up a staircase is the same, isn’t it? …

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