Puberty and what it brings.

Puberty and what it brings! I am currently experiencing what it’s like to live with a daughter about to turn eleven years old.

We all know about the mood swings and emotionally charged meltdowns, that’s just us parents.


What is puberty?

It is the time in life when a boy or girl becomes sexually mature. The processes that usually happen between the age of 10-14 for girls although can be sooner, for boys it is  12- 16 again it can be sooner.


Read on to find out why this is happening sooner than it used to.


It causes physical changes and affects boys and girls in different ways. The textbook tells you how girls and boys act and change but all of our children are different.

What it’s all about?

  • A new study finds girls are developing breasts earlier than ever before; American boys and girls are entering puberty about five years younger than they did in 1920.Puberty

    Why is this?

  • Well with all the toxic endocrine disrupting chemicals wreaking havoc on normal sexual development, they disrupt hormones that regulate metabolism.

  • Researchers found some cultural variability, but overall, concluded that girls are entering puberty earlier than in the past. Early sexual maturation is not a recent development, nor is it a phenomenon limited to the United States. It is a global phenomenon.


I am witnessing at the moment, the emotional outbursts and the changing in appearance in my daughter. The want for privacy and need for independence is so strong. I am noticing small but significant changes for example…..


1/Play dates are more about a closed bedroom door and chatting in private with friends.

2/Clothes are her choice now, and I see her individual tastes coming through.

3/A mobile phone so she can text her friends ten minutes after leaving them at school.

4/ Short answers with a sharp tongue, accompanied with hands-on-hips and a look!



5/Tastes of foods changing by the minute.

6Cravings for certain foods.

7/Stomach cramps and growing pains in general.


Now, we are at the beginning and none of these points mentioned above are negative, they are just observations noted.


I strongly believe the most important part of growing up is the nutritional needs being met. As children grow they need different micronutrients in different amounts to us adults.


Our children are experiencing emotional changes that are without warning and frequently changing. It is a scary time so giving them the best support from the inside out is in my opinion, invaluable to them.



If you made sure they took their vitamins when they were little, don’t stop providing them with important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants—especially during this critical stage of development. Strong bones, healthy muscles, and great-looking skin later in life can depend on the nutrition received during this stage of growth.


What can you do?

How can you help this process?

1/Cut back on processed foods as they are a major source of soy and chemicals such as BPA and phthalates.

2/Filter your tap water.

3/Optimise your vitamin D levels. Quality vitamin D only, not all supplements are equal, and if not manufactured in an FDA approved facility you are wasting time and money.

4/Switch to a natural deodorant as the chemicals in the usual suspects are being put straight onto the armpit, which is a major contributory cause of breast cancer due to the fact the chemicals go straight into the lymph nodes.

5/Use a multivitamin that will support your child’s micronutrient needs.


What is the best vitamin to use?

FDA Approved facility as anyone can make a vitamin and put it out there on the market.

Yes sorry to say that most of the vitamins you see in shops do not actually contain much of what it says on the bottle.Yes, it is still legal to sell.:(

How do you make the right choice?

As a qualified nutritionist, I use only products that have the FDA approved facility and are pharmaceutically graded.

Absorbency and purity guaranteed.

Also, the comparative guide that is available to check products and where they come on the list is a good way to make sure you are getting the best and doing your best for you family.

We all want that.

So I recommend a supplement called

BODY ROX For ages 4 upwards to the teenage years.

If you buy now they have a BUY ONE GET ONE FREE

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  • Daily supplements suitable for children and teenagers.

    Price: GBP £17.50


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Some products simply can’t be placed into a single body system category. Additional trace minerals, mixed carotenoids, bioflavonoids, and other phytochemicals help make these products the premier line of nutritional supplements.

For more information on nutritional supplements or general health questions please contact…


Free recipes on Maria Tait Nutrition facebook page and lots of ideas on how to get the most from food combining and maximising on foods real benefits.


The latest favorite of mine is a UNICORN LUNCH! check out the facebook page to view it.



Have a great day




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